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29.05.2021, 03:37

Опытные пользователи уже знают, что есть специальные команды для раскрытия ключа продукта их операционной системы, но новичкам еще предстоит пройти долгий путь в этом отношении. Вот почему есть несколько специализированных приложений, предназначенных для этой цели, помогать всем пользователям просматривать ключ продукта без особых хлопот. ShowKeyPlus - одна из таких утилит.

Существует как минимум три разных способа, позволяющих извлечь из недр операционной системы ее лицензионный ключ. Его можно вытащить из реестра, с помощью команды wmic, свободно распространяемого в интернете VВS-скрипта, а также разных утилит. На одну из них, ShowKeyPlus, стоит обратить внимание. Эта небольшая тулза помимо лицензионных ключей, а их может быть несколько, позволяет также получать базовые сведения о системе — ее версию, редакцию, полный номер сборки и идентификатор продукта.

[spoiler-Доп. описание]Tech-savvy users already know that there are dedicated commands for revealing the product key of their operating system, yet novices still have a long way to go in this respect.This is why there are several specialized applications that are meant to meet this purpose, that of helping all users view their product key without too much hassle. ShowKeyPlus is one such utility.

Straightforward GUI

Since this application is portable, it does not need to be installed onto the computer, and it can be carried on removable USB drives so as to be launched when needed.

Its interface is meant to be as intuitive as possible, and it displays the detected product key without any intervention from your side. Clicking the product key toggles masking it, thus protecting your privacy if someone passes by while you are using this app.

View the original key when an upgrade is detected

A handy feature of ShowKeyPlus is that it displays details about the original operating system that you ran before upgrading to the current one.

In other words, if you upgraded to Windows 10, the app shows the product key and the name of the Windows edition that was installed beforehand. Nonetheless, it should be mentioned that upgrading to Windows 10 automatically replaces your product key with a generic one, since your PC is granted a unique digital entitlement instead.

Retrieve key from a backup

You can also rely on this software solution to view the product keys stored in a backup file by simply browsing to its location. This comes in handy when your backup includes a Windows folder that also features a product key.

After examining all the displayed information, you can save the data to a file on your PC, for later analysis. Unfortunately, only TXT is supported as the output format.

To sum it up, ShowKeyPlus provides novices and experts alike with a straightforward solution for viewing their product keys, even if they have upgraded their OS rather than get a fresh install.[/spoiler]

Год: 2021
: Windows 10/8/8.1/7
Интерфейс: ENG
Лекарство: не надо
Размер: 6,9 Мб

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Категория: Софт | Добавил: nigolap | Теги: Show Key, Windows 10, ключ продукта, ключи, key
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